
Monair Hymans research explores personal narratives, historical archives and the possibilities of tracing absence through the lens of pattern and decoration, informed by her early childhood, Caribbean heritage and the impact of Colonialism.

Hyman spent time living and working in Spain.A residency in Southern Spain was the catalyst for Hyman to cultivate her personal narrative. This valuable experience filtered through into her work inspired by the rich visual and material culture of the 17th and 18th centuries. This visual immersion resulted in a shift of colour palette, scale, visual language and enquiry.

Her delicate patterns take over canvas and paper.In some cases the painted surfaces are dragged, disrupting viewing patterns. The veiled surfaces serve as both barrier and invitation.
These painted tapestries hold her story,linking her present to family and ancestors.In her work, Hyman honours those marginalized voices, silenced and erased from history.The use of ornamentation is her reaction against violence, oppression and inequality.They reach out with hope to inspire and to create a dialogue in which to build better communities.

Monair Hyman is a British contemporary painter.She graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University gaining a BA in Fine Art Painting 1st class Honours and a B.ED in Educational Management ( Arts ).
In 2022 she attended a Sumi-e Japanese ink painting course at The Royal Academy of Arts, London. Monair Hyman was awarded a scholarship from The European Cultural Academy to study in Venice, July 2023. Awards include a Delfina Foundation Studio Trust Award and Casa Manillva Residency to work in Southern Spain, a Fellowship granted by Sabadelle Museu D’Art Contemporani to work at La Nau, Barcelona. A British council Award to work in Rome on the Artist/Scholar Programme at The American Academy in Rome, an Arts Council Individual Artists Award and The Willy Tirr Memorial Prize, amongst others. Monair Hyman is a Collaborative Artist Member at artlivesherenyc.

Her work has been shown nationally and internationally. Monair Hyman’s work is in a number of private and public collections in Britain, Australia, France, Germany, Holland, Norway, Spain and the USA.